Tugwi Trust


Tugwi Trust is a charitable organisation registered in Zimbabwe in 2005 to formalise the work that had been started by Mr. I. J Midzi about a decade before this. The Trust was set up to do its share in establishing Zimbabwean societies where children reach their full potential and this it seeks to do by creating a platform for underprivileged children to gain access to education, wellness, leadership development and active involvement in community activities. The bulk of the Trust’s work is currently focused in Chivi district which is well known for persistent droughts that result in low yields thus making it difficult for most families to provide for their children’s needs. In addition to this the high prevalence of HIV/AIDS in the country has also adversely this district as it has contributed to the lack of financial resources in many households, as bread winners are either deceased or too sick to seek gainful employment.

Activities of the Trust are overseen by an active Board made up of prominent lawyers Sharon Bwanya and Rumbidzai Bvunzawabaya, experienced development practitioner Roselyn Nyatsanza and founding Trustees, banker Rangarirai Midzi and Financial Management Consultant Kudzai Midzi. The work of the Trust in Chivi has been enhanced by an effective model where committees made up of representatives from each of the 10 focus schools oversee implementation of the projects thus ensuring community input and transparency. The Trust also benefits from strategic partnerships such as the ones with Junior Chamber International Capital Chapter, Green Active Citizens Trust (GACT) and Re_pur_posed.

Tugwi Trust is currently implementing the following projects:

Sponsor A Child Initiative
Tugwi has been sponsoring excelling students without resources to go to A levels since inception but the programme took an exciting turn when focus was expanded to ensure access to schooling for all children and also the opening up of the sponsorship to individual sponsors. The response to the sponsorship appeal was amazing with over forty Zimbabweans from different parts of the world selecting about fifty underprivileged students to sponsor. The Trust ensures that each sponsor receives information on their chosen student as well as progress made in school. Sponsors are also free to contact the children through the Trust as well as assist with more than school fees depending on   each child’s individual needs. Under this project and in cooperation with the ZimEducation Squash Trust, Tugwi Trust also sponsored a gifted orphan in Harare with a scholarship that enabled him to continue going to school while living his dream of representing Zimbabwe at Junior National Level.

Tugwi Trust Sports Festival
The Trust holds an annual sports festival for the ten focus schools and this has continued to grow from initially being a soccer only tournament to a festival that also included girls volleyball and netball in 2016 and which will also include boys volleyball in 2017.

Prizes at the tournament include trophies and winners’ medals as well as uniforms for the finalists, individual prizes for outstanding players and other prizes for all schools that take part. This generous sponsorship has been enabled by the generous donations from corporates such as DHL Zimbabwe, Coca Cola, Multi Choice Zimbabwe, KFM Consultants, Direct Conduit, RBM Solicitors, Fulcrum Investments, Invigor Beverages and Impressions Graphic Designs as well as individual donors who share the Trust’s vision of promoting excellence not only in the classroom but also on the sports field.

Leadership Training
The Trust is also involved in providing leadership training with the intent purpose of equipping young leaders of high school going age with essential leadership skills that will enable them to become effective leaders within their diverse communities. Through this programme the Trust is committed to creating well-rounded students who are able to compete in the global world that we live in today, by developing student’s skills and widening student’s exposure to opportunities. The highlight of the 2016 leadership training was the peer facilitation of some sessions by Fadzai Njunga, a student at Mabelreign Girl High School in Harare. Her involvement helped to show the participants what they could achieve if they put their mind to it.

Pamushana Clubs
This is a particularly exciting project designed by the Executive Director of GACT, Maureen Sigauke, under which a Pamushana Club will be formed at each of the 10 schools. Each club is made up of 15 female students, 3 mothers from the community and 2 teachers from the particular school. The clubs will meet fortnightly to discuss pertinent issues that speak to womanhood and assist the girls transition from being teenagers. Once every school term, the club members will come together to receive life skills training from external facilitators.

Looking Ahead
The Trust is encouraged by the success of its projects in a challenging and difficult environment and it is grateful for the support that it has received from both the corporate world as well as individuals looking for a reliable and accountable platform through which to give back to communities in Zimbabwe.

The Trust continues to look for ways to involve even more people in its projects and to improve the learning experience for all children in Zimbabwe particularly for those vulnerable children in Chivi district. Future projects being considered include the construction and education resource networks that will see the Trust linking up the schools with partners that are able to fund larger projects such as the construction of libraries.