Mancala (Tsoro) Game


In my personal opinion, I don’t think you can fully appreciate the Zimbabwean culture until you have lived in other countries across the globe. The tradition here is unique. If we don’t lose our culture and tradition within, we leave an unforgettable stamp in people’s lives. The culture in Zimbabwe teaches us to look after one another, to love your neighbor as if they were your family. You look after your neighbor as you would look after your brother in need. You talk to the elderly, whoever it may be, as you would talk to an elderly in your family: no talking back, no raising your voice, and you don’t call the elderly by their first names. It’s these manners instilled in us that make us stand out in a crowd once we are out in a mixed society. When you spend a few years outside Zimbabwe, you get a full understanding and a full appreciation of the way we are raised.

We reserve this page for you to boast about your culture. Any member of this site can post an article about their experiences in Zimbabwe: the place they grew up, show appreciation to their family etc. You can talk about the school you attended, as well as the sports and games you played growing up. You can talk about traditional games like ‘nhodo’ and ‘tsoro’ to name a few. Stories can also vary to how teachers disciplined us back in school. The way you can post an article is easy; just submit a story to the “suggestion box” with your contact details and photos if you wish, and we’ll get it published once it gets our approval. The story will be on the subheadings; click on it and it’ll lead to the full article. Even if you’re living outside Zimbabwe, you can also talk about about when you last visited; share photos, videos, and stories. Anyone can comment on each article once logged in.

Don’t let the memories of your country fade away. Your stories are both unique and familiar to all in our Zimbabwean family.